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New Blogger Alert! - Petit Ami & Zubels    All Baby!

New Blogger Alert!

Hi Hi Hi! 

So you may be wondering, this isn't like our typical content - but I promise we will be posting more mommy tips, company updates and more fun stuff for you and your babies! 

But until then... 

I would just like to Introduce myself and say Hi! My Name is Ayden Nicole. I am the newest member of the Petit Ami-Zubels team. I am so excited to be apart of this amazing company. It's only been a few days and I've already been so warmly welcomed by everyone here. Ive got to say I am impressed already, they have great quality products and the office looks more like a toy store than a work place - which is very fun. I am excited to do marketing here and will be able to talk with all our lovely customers! 


So, in all future Blog Posts, and Social Media Posts I will be the gal behind the screen! Just thought it would be nice for people to know who I am and put a face to the words. 

I am so excited to work here and be able to see all the happy and stylish babies rockin' our gear! If you're interested in more blog posts and more fun content we have planned make sure to stay up to date on our blog posts and follow us on social media! 

... and since I promised more cute baby content. Here is me when I was 2. 

(I was a really cool kid.)

Looking forward to connecting with you all and getting the amazing opportunity to blog here! 

Catch you all later! 

-Ayden Nicole

Marketing Intern  

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